Sunday, October 28, 2012

In the company of women

In this amazing group
Of women meeting each other
For the first time this weekend
We found amazing strength
And surprising vulnerability.

In the quiet of the night
Listening to the fire burn,
Hearing stories and thoughts shared
Each speaking to amazing strength
And we shared compassion and support.

The backgrounds diverse
The ages both young and old
And yet if you looked closely
The young were old beyond their years,
The old young despite their years.

In true collective feminine wisdom
All were wise with lessons learned
And personal strength forged through
Challenges from this game called life
Resulting in an inner core of steel.

And along with the practice
We’ve wobbled, we’ve stretched
We’ve grown, we’ve found our physical strength
We’ve found our inner strength
And forged friendships for a lifetime.

Copyright 2012 DayJOY, LLC.  All rights reserved.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wounded soul

I have a wounded soul
Although most days I am fine
My thoughts and fears kept in line.

Some days my wound is open
My thoughts and fears fly high
My smile and my eyes they lie.

I am frequently reminded
Self acceptance is my mine to own
Self approval is also mine to own.

I must learn to banish doubt
I must learn to manage fear
I must learn to just be here.

I am healing this wounded soul.
Slowly, surely with time I am fine.
My smile and my eyes they shine.

Copyright 2012 DayJOY, LLC.  All rights reserved.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

On this trip called life

We are on the road daily
On this trip called life.

Sometimes the road is
Straight and narrow;

Sometimes the road is
Full of twists and turns.

Sometimes we are with
Family and friends.

Sometimes our family and
Friends leave too early.

Sometimes we are on
The road alone.

Sometimes there is fog
Obscuring our view.

Sometimes it is crystal
Clear where we should be.

Sometimes we're fueled up
And ready to go.

Sometimes we're running on empty
And just getting by. 

Sometimes we see the horizon
And it takes so long to get there.

Sometime we take a curve
And the view takes our breath away.

Sometime the road is slippery
And we have to slow down.

Sometimes the road is dry
And we can pick up speed.

Sometimes we make a wrong turn
And have to self correct.

Sometimes the road
Takes us to a new home.

Sometimes the road
Leads back home.

But always, always,
The road goes forward.

Copyright 2012 DayJOY, LLC.  All rights reserved.