Saturday, March 17, 2012

Introduction Part 2

Thank you for sharing my journey.

Many of you have commented you can relate to my pain as you too have lost a loved one but in different circumstances. 

So while you may not be able to relate to losing a spouse slowly to cancer, you can relate to the loss itself.

Some of you have a lost a spouse unexpectedly through an accident or illness that took your loved one quickly. 

Some of you have lost a child.

Some of you have lost parents well before their prime either slowly through cancer or quickly and unexpectedly.

Some of you have lost grandparents, siblings, or friends.

Death will touch, touches us all. 

Collectively we will and do move forward at our own pace.  We are all in different places and stages in our grief.

Know you are not alone on your journey, as I am not alone on mine.

Sometimes it is as simple as, or as hard as, just asking for help.

Help is always just a friend away.   

Copyright 2012.  All rights reserved.

1 comment:

  1. This is a wonderful way to be able to express your thoughts and feelings....and share with all of the world.... many are going thru the same process but have their hurt trapped inside and don't know how to express it. I am sure that these words will help more people than you can possibly imagine.
