Thursday, March 29, 2012

Your "to do" list

Your “to do” list
Is slowly becoming
My “got done” list.

The crew you picked
To do the work
Turned out great.

The covered patio
You designed
Now complete.

Garage landscaping
Now has rocks
Now complete.

Deck expanded
And rebuilt
Now complete.

Bathroom fixtures
Now new colors
Now complete.

Kitchen backsplash
Now ceramic
Now complete.

Lights swapped out
New ones added
Now complete.

With every decision
Your presence is near
Your “to do” list shrinking
My “got done” list growing.

Copyright 2012.  All rights reserved.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Life Happens

I was sitting here trying to pen a verse / prose called “Who am I and what did I do with me?”  and I was stuck.

The premise was that when we first start our lives we tend to have some kind of expectation, dream or thought of how our life might go.

And that somewhere along the way, life happens and things don’t turn out as expected, dreamed or planned.  And the “who” we thought we’d be gets lost.

Marriage, children, jobs, friends, moves, graduations, children leaving, their marriage, their children. 

So, so much motion, and noise, and clutter.  Life’s messy, as it should be.

And the words still didn’t flow.  Still stuck (seems to be a running theme).

So I sat here deep in thought and realized that the one constant through the noise and the clutter was my husband.  And then he was gone.  And the house was silent.

And I begin to see that my writing is helping me make peace with the silence.

And so I find ways to heal the hurt, to be contemplative, to review what was to choose what is.

In looking back through the twists and turns of my life, it occurs to me that left to my own devices, I could not have envisioned this life but I have come to appreciate I would not change my life.

And that somewhere along the way, life happened and things didn’t turn out as expected, dreamed or planned. 

And the “who” I am got found.

Life happens.

As it’s meant and as it should.

Copyright 2012.  All rights reserved.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

You were a veteran

You were a veteran
Standing tall

You were a veteran
Giving all

Your casket lies
In hallowed ground

In quiet solitude
Soldiers all around
The flag you left
Still flies proud
Right outside our door

In evening light
I say goodnight

In morning glow
I say hello

You are a veteran
Standing tall

You are a veteran
Who gave all

Copyright 2012.  All rights reserved.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Good time

Friends  were over
Dinner’s finished
Good time was had by all

We talked
We laughed
We shared
Each other’s company

The conversation flowed
Your name came up
With recollections dear

With great surprise
It came to me that I
Recalled you fondly

We cooked the dinner
Sat outside and talked
Shared our memories

We talked
We laughed
We shared
Each other’s company

Before I knew it
The night was over
We said good night.

With great surprise
It came to me that
I enjoyed the night.

Copyright 2012  All rights reserved.

Monday, March 19, 2012

I tried

I tried the wine
It turned to whine

I tried the shop
It turned to drop

I tried the books
To have a look

I tried the walk
To have a talk

I tried to run
To have some fun

I searched and searched
To leave this lurch

Always to find
I need only to look
Inside of me.

Copyright 2012  All rights reserved.

What's next

I’m scared again
No clue what’s next

Copyright 2012.  All rights reserved.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


While most of my posts make sense on their own, this one will make more sense if you read the post titled Transitions "the dialogue".

Ok, enough!
If I write one more
Haunting thought
I'll scream.

Good for you
Whispers through my mind

Ok, here goes
I square my shoulders
I wiggle toes
I flex my fingers

The sun is up
The flowers are out
The winter days are gone
…Help!  What’s next?

I promised
Not another haunting
Word to write
And yet

I’m stuck…..

Get unstuck
Whispers through my mind

Easy for you to say
You are there and
I am here

Ok, here goes

The sun is up
The flowers are out
The winter days are gone

….Still stuck

Try harder
Whispers through my mind

Easy for you to say
You are there and
I am here

It occurs to me
It’s easier to be
Than unstuck

Talking is empty
And most still
Fear triggering
Pain for me

So you see
It’s easier to be
Than unstuck

Work through it
Whispers through my mind
Easy for you to say
I reply and sigh.

Copyright 2012.  All rights reserved.

Transitions "the dialogue"

Time will heal your pain.  It’s a cliché I’ve heard many times from many people through the past year. 

Someone recently said that a cliché is a truth repeated over and over and over.

But it’s true.  Time will and does heal the pain.  And if you pay attention, the universe will send you signs when it’s time to move forward. 

I was starting to feel comfortable being alone.   Time was passing, I was writing, and felt I was in a good place.  I’ve handled “it”.

And yet, the universe with its infinite wisdom and timing, gave me a nudge, and said “you’re not done yet, there’s still more to do.”

A friend of mine recently read my blog and wrote…” It seems that most or all would be placed in the accepting loss portion, as you are still grieving the loss of Bill.  My real wish for you is that you are able to somehow get past acceptance, and we start seeing more poems about making peace and choosing joy.  Easy for me to say (or write), but life is about continuing to live; even if that life has some holes in it now.”

Well said, friend.  Did I mention I hate it that you’re right?

Thanks for the nudge.

Copyright 2012.  All rights reserved.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Introduction Part 2

Thank you for sharing my journey.

Many of you have commented you can relate to my pain as you too have lost a loved one but in different circumstances. 

So while you may not be able to relate to losing a spouse slowly to cancer, you can relate to the loss itself.

Some of you have a lost a spouse unexpectedly through an accident or illness that took your loved one quickly. 

Some of you have lost a child.

Some of you have lost parents well before their prime either slowly through cancer or quickly and unexpectedly.

Some of you have lost grandparents, siblings, or friends.

Death will touch, touches us all. 

Collectively we will and do move forward at our own pace.  We are all in different places and stages in our grief.

Know you are not alone on your journey, as I am not alone on mine.

Sometimes it is as simple as, or as hard as, just asking for help.

Help is always just a friend away.   

Copyright 2012.  All rights reserved.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

I cry, why?

It seems abrupt
You’re here
You’re gone

I cry

We hold your service
A wake it’s called
A wake.  Awake.
Are you?

I cry

We interred your casket
Interred it’s called
Inter – between, among.
Are you?

I cry

Your passing, I’m told
A transformation, a graduation
A learning experience.
Are you?

I cry

So if I get this right
You are awake
You are among
You are learning.

I cry.
Whispers through my thoughts.

Copyright 2012.  All rights reserved.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Division of labor

What an interesting thought.
It seems to me we always had
A division of labor in chores.

You did this
I did that

You always handled:
Anything involving a remote control
Anything using a small engine
Anything involving a large engine
Starting anything with a pull cord
Anything involving electricity
Anything involving power tools
Maintenance of everything
Installing software
Getting stuff out of the top cabinets
Critter control
Pest control
The BBQ grill
Indoor cooking
Winding the clocks
Bringing me flowers
Giving me a shoulder to cry on
Giving me hugs
Making me feel safe
Making me feel loved

Wow that’s a lot!
Did I mention I miss you?

I always handled:
Back seat driving
Telling you to turn at the intersection not before
That the exit we needed was the one we just passed
Giving you advice whether you wanted it or not
Giving a 10 minute answer to a yes or no question
Illogical ramblings that made no sense to you
(if they had, they would have been logical ramblings,
and oh what’s the point of that, see what I mean?)
Giving you hugs
Loving you

Joking aside, I sigh.

I’m exhausted you see
Trying to be us
Especially now when
It’s just me.

I ponder this thought
While winding the clocks
What choices to make
What gets handled or dropped?

So I hug myself
As I check the locks
What choices to make 
What gets handled or dropped?

Copyright 2012.  All rights reserved.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Copyright 2012.  All rights reserved.

Our song

Who knew
Our song
Would be
Looney Tunes?

Copyright 2012.  All rights reserved.

Forgive me

Forgive me?
I choose to leave

Forgive me?
I left you behind

Forgive me?
I love you still

Know that you mattered
Know that I cared

Know you were enough
Know you were my world

My choice was for me
It wasn’t about you

Copyright 2012.  All rights reserved.

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

I’m doing well
I reply

I’m doing well
I cry

Whoa. Where’d
That come from?

Two steps forward
One step back.

I’m ready to clean
I  go get boxes

I’m ready to clean
I gather your things

I’m ready to clean
Hmmm. I guess not.

Two steps forward
One step back.

I’m ready to move on
I tell myself

I’m ready to move on
Huddled in your shirt

I’m ready to move on
Perhaps tomorrow

Two steps forward
One step back

Copyright 2012.  All rights reserved.

I Choose

My thoughts create
I choose my thoughts

I wish, I want, is never having
Always longing

“I am” creates my world
Inner and outer alike

I am grieving
Means grieving now

I am healing
Means healing now

I am angry
Means angry now

I choose
The here and now

I am forgiving
Means forgiving now

I am accepting
Means accepting now

I am peaceful
Means peaceful now

I am joyful
Means joyful now

I choose
I create

Copyright 2012.  All rights reserved.

Monday, March 12, 2012

I'm sorry

I sit in quiet
Lights dimmed low

I sit in stillness
Watching candle glow

I’m sorry
Whispers through my soul

My eyes gently soften
The flame flickers slowly

Words tumble in
Urgent messages to hear

I left too early
I left things undone

I’m sorry for things left unsaid
I’m sorry we missed one last kiss

I’m sorry I left you alone
I’m sorry you have to be strong

I’m sorry you hurt
I’m sorry you grieve

I never meant to hurt you
It hurts me too

Accept my leaving
Make peace with me

I love you always
Find joy with me

Copyright 2012.  All rights reserved.

Do you believe?

I have faith
Do I really believe?

They have passed
Are they really gone?

If faith is right
They aren’t really gone.

If they’re not gone
Then they still exist.

If they exist
Do they hear me still?

If you’re listening out there
I love you still!

Copyright 2012.  All rights reserved.


We have a ritual
At time of passing

We have a ritual
We share with all

The service is over
And everyone’s gone

The ritual is over
My grief’s still strong

I create a ritual
A shrine perhaps

I allow remembrance
And feelings to flow

My heart expands
My soul sings out

I find you in stillness
I find you in thoughts

I remember your joy
I miss your hugs

Copyright 2012.  All rights reserved.

Send love forward

Send them love
They need it too

What you send forward
Bounces back to you

They left you
And you’re confused

You feel alone
They feel confused

So send them love
They need it more

What you send forward
Bounces back evermore

Copyright 2012.  All rights reserved.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Releasing 2

Your stuffs still here for me to clear
I have no clue what to hold as dear
I think it’s time, it’s been a year

And so with love I release

Your toothbrush
Your razor
Your shaving cream
Your t-shirts
Your undershorts
Your socks
Your shoes
Your shirts
Your pants
Your coats
Your gloves

And somewhere in the releasing I learn
What I should hold dear

Your laughter
Your smile
Your smirk
Your jokes
Your power
Your presence
Your gifts
Your love

And in the releasing and the letting go
I find my way forward
I learn to transform the ‘we are’ to ‘I am’

I am alone but not lonely
I am strong
I am resilient
I am a reflection of the best of us
I am enough 

I learn to release our dreams

Of traveling the world
Of growing old together
Of wrinkles
Of failing bodies
Of watching the children grow
Of growing wisdom
Of holding hands

I learn to make my own dreams

Of traveling the world
Of growing old
Of wrinkles
Of watching the children grow
Of finding my passion
Of finding my joy

And I learn

I have you inside me
I take you with me
You make me laugh still
I see you in the sunset
I see you in the children
I feel you in my heart

Copyright 2012.  All rights reserved.


Your stuff’s still here for me to clear
No clue what to hold as dear

So much stuff you left undone
So much more you’d not begun

Your chair is empty
Your cup unfilled
I see your echo everywhere

Time moves forward
Thoughts go backward

My life is stuck
My hope’s been plucked

Your chair is empty
Your cup unfilled
I feel your echo everywhere

My pain begins to slowly ease
My thought no longer flees

My life has been refined
My dreams now unconfined

Your chair is now pushed in
Your cup in cupboard now is found
I feel your presence everywhere

Copyright 2012.   All rights reserved.

Joy Returns

Your service over
The ground is closed
The house is silent
My wound is large

Your stuff’s still here
I hold it close
I weep in silence
My grief too large

I walk in limbo
The pain too huge
The darkness closing
My loss is real

The days drag by
My strength is drained
The darkness closes
My hope grows dim

I weep
I cry
I sob
I am tired
I am quiet
I am still

From stillness rises dawn again
From darkness light creeps back again
From weakness strength takes gently hold
From pain within joy blooms anew

From sense of loss comes strength of faith
From despair and grief gentle hope returns
From lonely silence quiet stillness comes
From sense of loss your presence surrounds

Copyright 2012.  All rights reserved.

Letting Go

I held the fear
I held the pain
Never thought of letting go

I held the sorrow
I held the ache
Never thought of letting go

I held the grief
I held the tears
Never thought of letting go

I sob
I weep my grief
I pause
I wipe my eyes
I blow my nose
I wash my face
I stop

I gather you close
I say goodbye
I let you go

But wait!
I’m still here
Circles back in stillness

I feel your joy
I feel your strength
Never think of letting go

I feel your love
I feel your faith
Never think of letting go

I feel my joy
I feel my faith
Never think of letting go

I feel my love
I feel my strength
Never think of letting go

I sob
I weep my joy
I pause
I wipe my eyes
I blow my nose
I wash my face
I stop

I gather you close
I say hello
I keep you close

Copyright 2012..  All rights reserved.

Behind the Veil

I saw the glimmer
I saw the shimmer
You peaked around the veil

I saw your face
I felt your presence
You peaked around the veil

I feel your joy
I feel your hope
You peaked around the veil

You give me love
You give me hope
You peaked around the veil

You let me go
You helped me stand
You peaked around the veil

You send me forward
You send your joy
You peaked around the veil

You send your love
You send your hand
You peaked around the veil

You send your blessings
You send your gifts
You peaked around the veil

I thought alone
But know I’m not
You peaked around the veil

The gifts you send
Are just enough
You peaked around the veil

You help me stand
You help me live
You peaked around the veil

You send me faith
You send me hope
You peaked around the veil

You send me joy
You send me love
You peaked around the veil

Copyright 2012.  All rights reserved.


In joy we come
In pain we leave
Empty to full
Beginning to end

But ending still is
Beginning again
Looping ever
Looping still

I am with you
And you with me
Never alone
No need to fear

Find your center
Find your strength
First look within
Then look without

I am with you
You with me
Together always
Through infinity.

Copyright 2012.  All rights reserved.


It's been said that writing is cathartic for the soul.

I've been nudged to put my thoughts to paper while processing my grief after losing Bill, my husband of 35 years, a year ago.

What you see reflected on these pages is my process of accepting my loss, making peace with this loss, and choosing joy in moving forward with the rest of my life.

Perhaps through my healing journey you may find a thought, a phrase, a sentiment that resonates with you and helps you along on your own journey.

Peace and Joy.


Copyright 2012.  All rights reserved.

You are gone

I sit in pain
I sit alone
You are gone
I am here

I miss your hugs
I miss your smile
You are gone
I am here

You gave me love
You love me still
You are there
I am here

I saw a rose
I saw a smile
I saw a rock
I saw a moon

I felt the wind
I felt the sun
I felt the rain
I felt the sand
I feel the love
I feel the hope
I feel the pain
I feel the joy

I know you are
I know I am
You are there
I am here

We are still

Copyright 2012 .  All rights reserved.