Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Life Happens

I was sitting here trying to pen a verse / prose called “Who am I and what did I do with me?”  and I was stuck.

The premise was that when we first start our lives we tend to have some kind of expectation, dream or thought of how our life might go.

And that somewhere along the way, life happens and things don’t turn out as expected, dreamed or planned.  And the “who” we thought we’d be gets lost.

Marriage, children, jobs, friends, moves, graduations, children leaving, their marriage, their children. 

So, so much motion, and noise, and clutter.  Life’s messy, as it should be.

And the words still didn’t flow.  Still stuck (seems to be a running theme).

So I sat here deep in thought and realized that the one constant through the noise and the clutter was my husband.  And then he was gone.  And the house was silent.

And I begin to see that my writing is helping me make peace with the silence.

And so I find ways to heal the hurt, to be contemplative, to review what was to choose what is.

In looking back through the twists and turns of my life, it occurs to me that left to my own devices, I could not have envisioned this life but I have come to appreciate I would not change my life.

And that somewhere along the way, life happened and things didn’t turn out as expected, dreamed or planned. 

And the “who” I am got found.

Life happens.

As it’s meant and as it should.

Copyright 2012.  All rights reserved.


  1. I can only imagine how many hundreds of people have the same thoughts....and never put them down on paper to share.....I am positive that you are touching the lives of many people. Gwen

  2. John Lennon wrote, "Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans."
    Though I was never much of a Beetles fan (a bit too young for this group perhaps) I always liked this quote from him since it rings true.
    Making plans are what responsible people do. We take care of things, other people especially, but then life happens and scatters our plans like a childs toys strewn across the floor.

    "When all else falls away, what sustains you from within?" Oriah Mountain Dreamer
